Call for Contributions - Terms and Conditions

Rules of contributed talks, posters, student research workshop acceptance to the and poster competition (hereinafter, the “Rules of Call for Contributions”)

§ 1. The purpose and scope of the Competition

  1. The Call for Contributions Competition (hereinafter, the “Competition”) aims to disseminate knowledge in the field of data science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence by selecting talks and posters to be presented at (the “Conference”) or during Student Research Workshop (hereinafter, the “Workshop”) and pick the best posters and talks related to these areas which will be then presented during the Conference.
  2. The scope of the Competition includes, but is not limited to:
    • General Machine Learning: Active Learning, AutoML, Classification, Clustering, Continual Learning, Learning Theory, Online Learning, Optimization, Ranking, Regression, Representation Learning, Semi-supervised and Unsupervised Learning, Sparsity
    • Deep Learning: Architectures, Generative Models, LLMs, Multimodal Models, Optimization for Deep Networks, Recurrent Networks,
    • Reinforcement Learning: Bandits, Decision and Control, Exploration, Hierarchical RL, Markov Decision Processes, Multi-Agent RL, Navigation, Planning,
    • Probabilistic Methods: Bayesian methods, Causal Inference, Gaussian Processes, Graphical Models, Variational methods
    • Applications of Machine Learning: Audio and Speech Processing, Computational Biology, Computer Vision, Graph Neural Networks, Medicine, Natural Language Processing, Neuroscience, Physics, Robotics, Social Good, Time Series
    • Social Aspects of Machine Learning: AI Ethics, Accountability, Alignment, Biased Data, Explainability, Fairness, Interpretability, Legal Issues, Privacy, Robustness, Safety
    • Technical Solutions and Machine Learning Resources: Architectures, Competitions, Data Sets and Repositories, Distributed Machine Learning, Efficiency, Implementations, Machine Learning stores, MLOps, Software Toolkits.

§ 2. Entities involved in the organization of the Competition

  1. The organizer of the Competition is ML in PL Association (hereinafter, the “Organizer”), who has appointed a competition’s committee.
  2. The Organizer will appoint an awards committee (hereinafter the “Commission”) that might include, i.a., Advisory Board members (, Invited Speakers (, Student Research Workshop and Organizer representants (

§ 3. Conditions for taking part in the Competition

  1. Only natural persons, who have full capacity for legal acts on the territory of Poland can participate in the Competition.
  2. In order to participate in the Competition, it is necessary to agree to the provisions of the Terms of Participation and to get acquainted with the processing of personal data referred in the Privacy Policy.
  3. Participation in the Competition and related data sharing is completely voluntary. The person who joined the Competition in order to present a talk or poster (hereinafter, the “Participant”) is bound by the Terms of Participation.

§ 4. The rules and the course of the Competition

  1. The registration for the Competition will be open from 1 May 2024 and end on 31 August 2024 (hereinafter, the “Duration of the Competition”).
  2. Registration for the Competition takes place via the registration form in the Call for Contribution section available at (hereinafter, the “Website”).
  3. In order to participate in the Competition, the Participant is obliged to submit the registration form on the Website through which the Participant provides:
    1. his/her personal data,
    2. his/her preference towards presenting a talk at the Main Conference or Student Research Workshop
    3. his/her preference towards presenting a poster,
    4. title, abstract of the poster or talk he/she would like to present,
    5. his/her short bio and a photo,
    6. his/her agreement to the Rules of Call for Contributions (consent to the provisions of the Rules of Call for Contributions, consent to the processing of personal data for the purposes of the Competition).
  4. The Participant can optionally provide information about his/her previous talks and a photo that will be used to promote the talk on our website.
  5. The Organizer reserves the right to decide on where the Participants will present, either at the main part of Conference or Student Research Workshop. Every presentation will take place onsite during the Conference.
  6. The Participant declares that the poster or talk he/she would like to present does not contain content that violates the law and does not violate good morals, in particular, does not violate the rights of third parties, does not call for violence, intolerance, vulgarity or advertising content of third parties.
  7. Only works related to the subject of the Competition meeting the conditions referred to in the Rules of Call for Contributions, for which the Participant holds the copyright, may be submitted to the Competition.
  8. The Organizers committee will evaluate the submission and accept posters and talks to be presented at the Conference by 18 September 2024. This date can be prolonged in justified cases.
  9. In posters and talks acceptance for the Conference, the scientific, cognitive, and practical values play a key role.
  10. Accepted Participants will be notified by e-mail and will receive one free Conference ticket.
  11. The Participant receives a free Conference ticket, co-authors of the accepted talks indicated in or papers have to register for the conference to attend and purchase a ticket but will have the prices of tickets for Early Birds.
  12. In case the Participant is unable to attend the Conference, his free Conference ticket can be transferred to another person, provided this person presents the accepted work. To transfer a ticket, the Participant needs to inform the Organizer by mail and provide information on the person, to whom the right to attend the Conference will be transferred to.
  13. The author(s) of an accepted poster or talk is obliged to provide a digital version of the poster or/and presentation in PDF format by 30 October 2024 (hereinafter, the “Competition Work”).
  14. The printed version of the poster has to be A0-size in a vertical orientation or smaller.
  15. The presentation of talks and posters will take place on 7 - 10 November 2024, during the Conference.
  16. During registration, the Participant can agree to his presentation being publicly shared on the Conference website.

§ 5. Awards

  1. The Best Talks and Best Posters Awards will be settled by voting contest within the participant of the Conference - the work with the most amount of votes will be awarded. The awards include only the Conference (not the Student Research Workshop).
  2. The winners of the Best Talks and Posters Competition (hereinafter, the “Winners”) will be selected by 9 November 2024 and the final results will be presented on 9 November 2024. The Winners will be notified by e-mail and awarded, as well as their works will be presented on the Website.
  3. The Sponsor of the Award is the Organizer.
  4. The Organizer, as a payer of flat-rate income tax for natural persons, will calculate and pay to the competent Tax Office a flat-rate income tax due on account of winning before issuing the prize winner.
  5. The prize will be credited to the winners’ accounts within 30 working days from the announcement of the results of the Competition via bank transfer or via voucher. The Organizer will contact the Winners to confirm the data necessary to transfer the prize.
  6. It is not possible to transfer the right to the Award to third parties. It is not possible to give up part of the prize. Resignation from the part of the Award is tantamount to resignation from the entire prize. In the event of the Winner’s resignation from the Award, the Organizer reserves the right to award the prize to another Participant appointed by the Commission or not to grant it at all.
  7. The Organizer has the right to verify the personal details of the Winners at the time of issuing the prize, in order to identify the Winner, as well as to confirm his age. Before the prize is awarded, the Winner may be obliged to present an appropriate document.

§ 6. The rights and obligations of the Organizer

  1. The Organizer reserves the right to exclude from participation in the Competition or deprive the Prize of Participants whose actions are contrary to the law, good practices or the Terms of Participation, in particular, Participants who:
    1. do not act in person, but by third parties;
    2. if in relation to their Competition Work, third party claims have been filed, in particular regarding the dissemination of the image of a person recorded in the Competition Work or infringement of copyright.
  2. In order to clarify doubts related to the Participant’s activity in the Competition, the Organizer may contact the Participant using the communication methods he has provided (e.g. to conduct e-mail correspondence); during such contact, the Organizer may expect the Participant to provide detailed information about his participation in the Competition.

§ 7. Intellectual property rights to submitted works

  1. Taking part in the Competition, the Participant simultaneously declares that he is the creator of the Competition Work, within the meaning of the Act of 4 February 1994 on copyright and related rights (Journal of Laws of 2017, item 880 with later amendments; hereinafter, the “Act”) and that he is entitled to full author’s (or together with co-authors) property rights to the Competition Work along with any permits to disseminate the image of the Participant and third parties recorded on the submitted Competition Work.
  2. The Organizer, in exchange for the right to participate in the Competition, acquires from the Participant the right to use, on a non-exclusive license, the entries submitted by the Participant as part of the Competition, as works within the meaning of the Act, to conduct the Competition, promote the Competition and own promotion and permit for dissemination of fragments of the Work for a period of 3 years from the selection of the Competition Winners, subject to the preservation of the right to the priority of publication of the Work by the university on which the Competition Work was created, resulting from Art. 15a of the Act.
  3. The Organizer is entitled to exercise the dependent rights to the Competition Winner Work, i.e. to make any changes and modifications at Work in whole or in part and to make its development in whole or in part, including making alterations, changes and adaptations of all or individual parts of the Work, and allowing such modifications, changes and developments, also by entities third, as well as the use of such changes, modifications and studies, also by third parties in order to conduct the Competition, promote the Competition and self-promotion for a period of 3 years from the selection of the winners of the Competition.
  4. The Organizer is entitled to use the image of the Participant and other persons recorded in the Competition in a manner enabling the use of Work in accordance with the provisions of the Rules of Call for Contributions.
  5. The Participant declares that he has read the purpose set out in the Rules of Call for Contributions for which the awarded Competition Works will be used and that he consents to such use of the Competition Works by the Organizer. If necessary, the Winner, at the request of the Organizer, will sign appropriate declarations or agreements confirming the transfer of copyrights to the awarded Works or the opportunity to use the image of natural persons fixed on the Labor.
  6. The Participant bears full responsibility towards the Organizer in the case of third parties making claims for liability in connection with the use by the Organizer of Competition Works, to which he has acquired the rights pursuant to the Rules of Call for Contributions.
  7. Due to the fact that the result of participation in the Competition may be awarding the prize to the Participant on the terms described in the Rules of Call for Contributions, no additional remuneration is due for granting a license or transfer of rights.

§ 8. Processing of personal data

  1. The details concerning the processing of the Participant’s personal data are described in the Privacy Policy.

§ 9. Complaints

  1. Each Participant has the right to submit complaints in the duration of the Competition and after its completion, within 30 days from the end of the Competition.
  2. Complaints should be reported only to the e-mail address with the note Complaint.
  3. Complaints will be considered by the Organizer within 14 working days from the date of their receipt. The Participant will be informed about the Organizer’s decision by e-mail or registered mail sent to the address provided in the complaint.
  4. The complaint should include the name, surname, and address of the person submitting the complaint and a description of the reasons or reasons for the complaint as well as the expected method of its consideration.