Terms of Participation in

(hereinunder: Terms of Participation)


  1. Whenever the terms defined hereunder are used in Terms of Participation, they should be understood as follows:
    1. – a conference carried out by the Organizer from 7 to 10 November 2024 at Copernicus Science Centre at Wybrzeże Kościuszkowskie 20 street, 00-390.
    2. Organizer – ML in PL Association, Plac Bankowy 2, Warszawa 02-505 KRS: 0000754960, REGON: 381658081, NIP: 1182183164.
    3. Conference - a series of Lectures conducted by experts in the field of topics, described at www.conference.mlinpl.org, which takes place from 7 to 10 of November 2024.
    4. Registration Form – Internet registration form available on the Conference website from 14 September which is submitted by the Candidate in order to qualify for the Conference.
    5. Conference Pass - a ticket sent as a pdf file to the e-mail addresses of the Participants, confirming the right to participate in the Conference.
    6. Committee – a group of organizers of the Conference and the Tutorials indicated on the Conference website at www.conference.mlinpl.org and other members of the personnel of the Organizer.
    7. Early Bird Period – the period from 1 August until 31 August, during which the Candidates can register for the Conference through the Early Bird Registration Form for a lower Conference Pass price.
    8. Standard Period – the period from 9 September, during which the Candidates can register for the Conference through the Registration Form; during the Standard Period the Organizer can introduce Late Ticket Period, during which the price of a Conference Pass price will be increased.
    9. Candidate – a natural person who submitted the Registration Form in order to qualify to the Conference .
    10. Participant – a natural person who received the decision on qualification for the Conference, made payments for participation in the Conference and received confirmation of participation in a Conference as a Participant.
    11. Lecture – a specific lecture being part of the Conference.


    1. The conditions for participation in the are:
      1. application for participation in the Conference in the form of filling in the Registration Form or Call for Contributions Submission Form;
      2. making a payment to the Organizer as specified below, unless regulated otherwise;
      3. acceptance of the provisions of these Terms of Participation by the Candidate (the fact of making a payment for participation in the Conference or Tutorials will mean acceptance of the provisions of these Terms of Participation).
    2. Persons who are 16 years of age or older but under 18 years of age on the day of the Conference:
      1. may stay and participate in the area where the Conference is held only on the basis of a consent signed by a legal guardian, available at the link. The Organizer has the right to verify the age of the Participant and the authenticity of the aforementioned consent;
      2. are not allowed to attend the evening party organized as part of the Conference.
    3. In order to enter the Conference or Tutorials, the Participant or Tutorials Participant is obliged to present the Conference Pass or Tutorials Pass to the member of Organizer’s personnel together with the Participant’s ID, confirming their identity.
    1. For Early Bird Period registration, the qualification of a Candidate to participate in the Conference will depend on the evaluation of Registration Form by the Committee. The Committee will take into account when evaluating the Candidate’s answers in particular:
      1. the Candidate’s previous experience with topics discussed during the Conference;
      2. the reasons for applying for the Conference;
      3. the industry in which the Candidate works;
      4. Candidate’s Curriculum Vitae.
    2. After 7 days, but no later than one month after the end of the Early Bird Period, the Organizer will send Candidates an e-mail message containing the following information:
      1. the decision as to the qualification of the Candidate for the Conference;
      2. instructions as to the method of making the payment necessary to qualify the Candidate as a Participant in the Conference.
    3. For the Early Bird Period, Candidates who have received a positive evaluation of the Committee, in order to participate in the Conference as Participants, shall pay a fee for the Conference within 7 days after receiving information about the positive evaluation of the Committee or else they shall lose their right to participate in the Conference based on an application submitted during the Early Bird Period.
    4. After successful finalizing of the payment, the Organizer will send to the Participant an e-mail message containing the Conference Pass.
    5. The Organizer is not obliged to inform the Candidate of the reasons for the rejection of their application.
    1. For the Standard Period, the qualification of a Candidate for a Conference will depend on the order of submission of the Registration Form together with making a payment (first come-first served).
    2. After submission of the Registration Form and finalizing the payment, the Organizer will send Candidates an e-mail message containing the Conference Pass under the condition that the Candidate managed to pay the fee before other Candidates.
    3. If the maximum number of Participants is reached, the Organiser will inform about the completion of the Standard Period registration in particular by placing an announcement on the website www.conference.mlinpl.org and by closing the possibility of submission of the Registration Form.
    1. For safety reasons, the Organizer shall determine internally the maximum number of Participants at a given Lecture.
    2. The possibility of taking part in a given Lecture will depend on the order of online applications for a given Lecture (first come-first served).
    3. Due to the limited number of Lecture participants, the Organizer does not guarantee the possibility of taking part in a specific Lecture.


  1. The amount of fee for Candidates registering to the Conference and Tutorials is going to be presented on the website at the www.conference.mlinpl.org address.
  2. The amount of fee will differ depending on: the date of submitting the Registration Form (the fee might depend on the period, such as Early Bird Period), whether the Candidate is a student or not and whether they are willing to participate in the Conference or the Tutorials.
  3. For the avoidance of doubts, ‘student’ shall be understood as a person who possesses (a) for students from Poland - a valid student ID card, issued as specified by the Minister of National Education (MEN-I/1 or MEN-I/2 or MEN-I/50/2, MEN-I/50a/2 or MEN-I/50b/2) or the Minister of Culture and National Heritage (ART/100 or ART/102); and (b) for foreign students - a valid ISIC (International Student Identity Card) for a given calendar year.
  4. The Candidate shall pay the fee due to Organizer to the bank account indicated in the e-mail sent by the Organizer or by other electronical means indicated by the Organizer (e.g. PayU or PayPal).


  1. The fee for participation in the Conference includes:
    1. the right to attend lectures in accordance with the Terms of Participation;
    2. a hot meal served on each day of the Conference;
    3. the provision of snacks and hot drinks during coffee breaks taking place on each day of the Conference.
  2. The fee for participation in the Tutorials includes:
    1. the right to Participate in the Tutorials in accordance with the Terms of Participation;
    2. a hot meal served on the day of the Tutorials;
    3. the provision of snacks and hot drinks during coffee breaks taking place during the day of Tutorials.
  3. The programme of the Conference and Tutorials will be available on the website at www.conference.mlinpl.org.
  1. During the Conference, the Organizer may conduct photo sessions and film the Conference for the purposes of broadcasting in the mass media (television, radio, Internet, press) or for the purposes of documentation, promotion, advertising of the Organizer and other persons indicated by the Organizer.
  2. Through the participation in the Conference the Participant consents to recording, use and/or dissemination by the Organizer and its affiliates of the image/voice/statement of each Participant in all promotional and marketing materials without time and territorial limitations.
  3. The aforementioned consent shall mean that photographs, films or recordings taken during the Conference may be placed on the website of the Conference or another website managed by the Organizer and used in promotional materials, also distributed for this purpose by means of a vision or sound.


  1. The conditions of qualification of speakers for the Conference are regulated in separate regulations entitled Call for Contributions – rules.


  1. The rules of personal data processing within the scope of these Terms of Participation and using the services of the Organizer are regulated in a separate document entitled Privacy Policy.


  1. The participant has the right to complain about the services provided by the Organizer. The complaint should be submitted by e-mail to the e-mail address contact@conference.mlinpl.org, or in writing to the address indicated in point 1.1.
  2. The complaint application should contain the Participant’s data (name, surname, contact phone number, return address) and description of the service being complained about. The complaint will be considered within 14 days from the date of its receipt and the information will be sent to the address given in the complaint application.
  3. In accordance with Article 38 point 12 of the Act of 30 May 2014 on Consumer Rights, the Participant who is a consumer has no right to withdraw from the contract concluded on basis of these Terms of Participation.


  1. The Organizer is not responsible for the Participants’ and Tutorials Participants belongings that may be lost, damaged or stolen during the Conference and Tutorials.
  2. The agreement with the Candidate is concluded at the moment of becoming the Participant or Tutorials Participant and lasts until the end of the last event of the .
  3. Any disputes that may arise from participation in the will be resolved by the court competent for the seat of the Organizer.
  4. These Terms of Participation shall enter into force on 1 May 2024.