Welcome to our conference badge game. This year each participant’s badge contains one of two symbols, which are printed on their badges, based solely on their full names:
f(<first-name>, <last-name>) → {, }
As in classic machine learning problems, your task is to collect data and discover the mapping function. The first five participants who correctly predict all the symbols for the test set will receive special prizes.
The rules are simple - collect as much data as possible and find the mapping function to accurately predict the symbols for the names in the test set. Participants who successfully predict all the symbols for the test set names have a chance to win prizes. If none of the participants solve the puzzle by the end of the conference, the prizes will be raffled among all participants who get the highest number of correct predictions on the test set. You can network with other attendees to collect their names and symbols or visit sponsor booths to collect extra data points that will help you solve the mapping function.
The assigned symbols are printed on the back of the badges, so you can ask participants to show them.
Don’t worry if you can’t find the pattern right away — after each day we will provide hints to guide you in solving the mapping function. But remember, the faster you solve the puzzle, the higher your chances of winning.
Submit your predictions for the test set names by filling out the form below:
Submissions are closed.